A man of the salt water, and one of the proudest family men you are ever likely to encounter.
Shane (Shane-o) Felsigner has been riding waves since he could hang on to a board. A local to the Noosa break, Shane and wife Annabelle have sought adventure, surf and the simple life for as long as they can remember. Cruising Australia in their troop carrier, surfing and fishing from an old jet ski, their life has been one set and sunset after another.
Since recently becoming a Father and with their family growing rapidly, adventures look a little more home based than previously, but who can be down about being at home when you live in Noosa?
His epic surfing and adventurous spirit has led Shane to work with brands including Rusty and On A Mission. He is now stoked to be soaking up the family bliss bubble and taking advice on adventures with Babies on board.

Stratus Outdoors Q+A with Shane Felsinger.
Q: It can be addictive, this love for the ocean - how did it all start for you?
A: It started young for me when I was about 2-3 years old. My old boy would push me into little runners at Little Cove or “Johnson’s” as it was known back then.
Q: Fill us in on your journey to being one of the most exciting free surfers on the East Coast, plus what's on the horizon for Shane Felsinger?
A: The journey has been a long one haha. Lots of ups and downs, but I’m loving where I’m at right now, so happy days :) We have our 2nd baby arriving just after Christmas so I’m sure my horizon will be busy, ha! Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a few sneaky trips though ;)

Q: Where is your favourite playground?
A: South Australia
Q: What can’t you get enough of?
A: My wife Annabelle and our beautiful little daughter Marley. I also can’t live without the ocean!

Q: How do you balance your love for adventure and living on the edge, with family life?
A: I feel life is what you make it, we just like to have fun and live in the moment :)
Q: Funniest camping fail
A: I drove into a massive gutter once while driving up to Double Island Point at midnight! Thankfully, I managed to get the car out pretty easily… although we had a soaking wet mattress that night.