The Lifestyle Pioneers are Simon and Liz Bailey, + their two young boys. Originally from country New South Wales, they have embarked on an inspiring journey across Australia in their off-grid caravan. Now three years into their travels, they share practical advice on living off-grid, off-road caravanning, and life on the road as a working family, providing valuable insights for fellow adventurers through their weekly YouTube videos. Their mission extends beyond their own experiences; they aim to inspire, educate, and equip others to explore and embrace adventure in their own lives.
Living the dream as a young family, this crew have no intention of settling into the ordinary suburban lifestyle any time soon.
Read on as we learn how to eat an elephant… metaphorically speaking…
Q&A with The Lifestyle Pioneers
Q: You’re living what’s considered a dream lifestyle by other people - is it courage, craziness or something else that took your family down this trail?
A: It’s a bit of both! We’ve always enjoyed travel and the outdoors but our traditional lives didn’t allow for as much of it as we wanted. So we set about embarking on this crazy journey and transition to a full-time nomadic lifestyle!
Q: Favourite camp spot that you wish you never told anyone about?
A: Can’t tell you 😉😂 There are honestly so many! We’re most at home in the mountains and we especially love the NSW High Country. Long Plain Hut in the northern Kosciusko NP is one of our favourites to get away from it all.
Q: If you had to choose… would it be an overnight camp in croc territory, or midge territory…
A: Definitely crocs! We can’t stand midges! They are inescapable. It’s a lot easier to steer clear of crocs.
Q: What’s your biggest camping fail?
A: Many years ago we went on a mid-winter camping trip in the NSW mountains near Cooma with a couple of mates. In an effort to reduce the amount of gear we all needed to take we told them not to worry about taking any cooking gear and that we could all use ours for the weekend. Thinking all our cooking gear was already packed in the camper trailer, we set off for the three hour drive, only to discover on arriving that we’d left it behind in the shed! We managed to camp for three days with only a fire, half a roll of foil and one enamel mug between the four of us and a baby Harrison!
Q: Just saying yes and starting is sometimes the biggest hurdle. Any tips for families dreaming of this lifestyle but no idea where to start?
A: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Small steps will get you there! It can be overwhelming to think about everything that needs to be done but stick to sorting out the main items, and the rest tends to fall into place. In three years of full-time travel, we’ve met hundreds of other travellers from all walks of life. We’re yet to meet anyone who’s won lotto, but they’ve all figured out their own way to make it happen. If you want it badly enough, you can make it happen, too!
You can join in the adventures with The Lifestyle Pioneers here:
- website
- Youtube