Lil & Jake on the road to everywhere


    Lil and Jake are best known for their big grins and playful take on life on the road. They have hands down THE BEST facial expressions when things go wrong 😆 - or right, and we love soaking up their zest for life on the road, and watching their (often) hilarious journeys together.

    Originally from Tassie, these two are loving a life less stressed, cruising the big island of Oz with their pup Hazel. 

    They have a pretty cracking set up that takes them everywhere they want to go on both land and water - and we are thankful, because it keeps all of us entertained and inspired.

    Check out their take on the life they are creating...

     Q&A with Lil & Jake


    Q: So life on the road together, is it as romantic as we all want to imagine??

    A: Gosh, if we had a dollar for everytime one of our friends or family members back home said ‘You guys are living the dream, always on holiday’ and to that we usually laugh and say something along the lines of ‘if only you knew’ while giving each other the look that only the two of us truly understand!

    Like always, things go wrong, but it's all part of the wild ride we are on!

    As much as we absolutely love our life on the road and know how lucky we are to be experiencing all of the incredible places we get to, I’m telling you now, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows.


    Q: You’ve already covered some ground here in Oz. If you could be transported immediately to a favourite location for a week right now, where would it be?

    A: Both of us would hands down, EVERY SINGLE TIME say Karijini National Park. Wow, thinking about it now; the colours, the experience, the wildlife, the waterfalls and the gorges, it’s one of the most magical places we have both ever been to and it will be back at the top of our list for next time we visit WA.


    Q: What's been the biggest learning or genius moments on your adventures so far?

    A: If we were to think back over the last 18 months of travel, two things always spring to mind. The first, ‘Never go anywhere in a rush’ that's when we ALWAYS get caught out, something always goes wrong or we always get held up for some ridiculous reason - but hey that's just life on the road. The second is ‘Find yourself a hobby’. It could literally be anything, but I can tell you now that sightseeing all day everyday will get pretty exhausting, pretty quickly. So in our case taking on a whole new career in creating YouTube videos has been an absolute blessing in disguise, we feel like we are learning everyday and moving forward together while we get to do what we love and explore Australia.

    But of course it doesn’t have to be as drastic as that, the normal stuff like mountain biking, camp cooking, surfing, reading, journaling will work just the same!



    Q: Funniest camping fail?

    A: WAY too many to count!

    But one that always comes to mind is the day we thought we could drive the car AND caravan along the beach at James Price Point, right at the start of the dry season, when the days are scorching, and the sun is radiating off the rich red sand that is softer than a bag of marshmallows! Anyway, knowing us, you could only imagine what happened! We got bogged, the worst bogging to date. Hours digging and failing to get out. If you want to watch what went down, go and check it out here

    While we were well and truly up shits creek, when we look back on it now, we can only laugh.


    Q: Do you hear the call of “sensible” suburban life? Or can it not get through over the call of the wild?

    A: Having jumped head first into life on the road we really had no idea what it would be like or if we would even like it. But I can tell you now, having left the grind, we can safely say we are 1000% on the right path. Slowing down and taking a step back from the lives we used to live, we were constantly chasing our tails, living for the weekends and pretty much always exhausted. The simple life is really looking after us, with more time to look after ourselves and be with each other, we can safely say we are happiest on the road.

    We have physically less than we’ve ever had but the richest in life we’ve ever been.

    Obviously we can never say never, but I don’t imagine our lives will ever look like they once did. This is our new normal and we absolutely love it! 


    You can follow along the adventures with Lil & Jake here 👉🏽

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