Monique and Jasper of @saltytravellers bring the most stunning locations of wild Australia into the scroll feeds of gushing adventurers all year ‘round. They are a couple living endless adventures and capturing their moments between the ocean and the open road in the most mesmerising photographic style.
Keeping life simple and full to their Akubra brims with memories is what it’s about for these guys. Scouting out secluded camp spots, surfing, fishing, diving and generally getting outdoors and amongst the adventure is a week well lived.
“Bowie” their golden pooch makes this duo an even brighter trio, while living the life less ventured together.
Stratus Outdoors Q+A with Jasper & Monique.
Q: It can be addictive, this life led by adventure. How did it all start for the both of you?
A: We both grew up and met in our coastal hometown of Noosa Heads on the beautiful East Coast of Australia, where we both share incredible memories of living by the beach.
We shared the urge to get ‘out there’ and explore our beautiful country and dreamt of surfing & fishing our way around Australia. So one day, we decided to just make it happen!
After a year of solid saving, we changed up our lifestyle and hit the open road with our little dog Bowie.
Q: Your intrepid life has taken you to some of the most spiritual and remote parts of Australia. Has there been a standout moment (or two) that has taken your breath away?
A: It really is so hard to choose, as Australia has so many impressive places. However, during our recent explorations through the centre of Australia, we were incredibly taken by the raw beauty of the Outback. Uluru was a stand out experience for us, as its sheer size and structure was so majestic - it really felt like the heart and soul of Australia.

Q: Funniest camping fail?
A: We are shockers for heading off to bed with our side awning still out and then waking up at all hours of the morning to it just flapping and buckling in strong winds which have come through during the night.
Q: Tips for living sustainably when you're on the road?
A: We aim to catch a lot of our own seafood while we are travelling, which is a sustainable way of shopping and it's good on the pocket.
Also, always have your own shopping bags, keep cups for coffees, reusable water bottles, and biodegradable wipes.
Q: Simply starting is sometimes the hardest part - Best advice for anyone out there wanting to pack up and start their lap around Oz?
A: We always tell people that they don't need the flashiest new vehicle and setup to take off on trips or adventures. Make what you have work. Focus on building a setup which works for you. Save as much money as possible though - fuel is expensive - haha.
Last of all, get out there and enjoy Australia! You won't regret it.